when the republicans, the minority party, get everything they want, that is not compromise, it is failure. when the republicans act like a 5 year old spoiled brat and threaten to hold their breath until they get their way and they win, that is not compromise, it is failure. when the democrats, the party in charge, cannot get legislation passed which will benefit 98% of americans, it is failure. when the party in charge cannot remove a discriminatory policy that large majorities of both the general public and the current serving military oppose, it is failure. when the party in charge cannot get the latest version of a treaty ratified that president reagan first proposed, it is failure. the entire body of national elected democrats must now do the only thing admirable. resign! from president obama and vice president biden, to every democrat in the senate and house. resign! they have proven themselves, as a collaborative national political party, to be ineffective, incompetent and ignorant. resign! even if you have voted for democrats your entire life you must now admit they are failures. even if you are not a fan of the republicans, you must now admit at least they accomplish their goals. as for the democrats? resign! go away, we dont need you any more. not only can you not get any of your shit done, even when you have power you cannot stop the republicans from getting their shit done. resign!

todays recommendation: