Sunday, December 5, 2010

living with the stupids week - sunday

its becoming increasing clear the biggest threat to our country is not coming from the radical right or the looney left.  and its certainly not coming from al qeada.  its coming from the stupids.  i will give in that maybe sarah palin is a good friend to some and a, a, well she is a mother.  but you have to be even dumber than her to think she should lead this country.  she is probably the only politician that would make w. bush look good.  for that reason alone he should really get behind her for president.  if she won, come january 21, 2013 he instantly would look more like george washington than george w. bush.  and as much as you would really like to have a beer with, or shoot some animal with, both of them, thats is not really a good reason to vote for them for high office.  'just like us' is not a qualification for president.  we should not use the same criteria to pick the leaders of this country that we use to pick the winner of 'dancing with the stars'.  and thats the problem isnt it.  sarah palin is queen of the stupids, and there may be just enough of them to lead her to victory.

todays recommendation:

an oldie but goodie since she is on a "book" tour again, its worth 8 minutes