Friday, January 28, 2011

dont zoo me like that

i love zoos.  whats better than a regular old zoo?  a drive thru zoo where you dont even have to get out of your air conditioned automobile to enjoy the animals.  whats better than a regular old drive thru zoo?  a drive thru zoo where you can actually feed some of the animals from the comfort of your car.
a couple of my favorites:
Briarwood Ranch Safari Park
Lazy 5 Ranch
of course there is a potential downside:
todays recommendation:
not me, audio is a must:
all good things...must, well, you know.
countdown with keith is done.
billshit is too.
todays recommendation:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

michael scott is an asshole

michael scott is an asshole.  i dont mean steve carrell, ive never seen him in anything else so i have no opinion of him.  michael scott is an asshole.  i am way late to 'the office'.  i started watching last fall when i was staying in a house for five weeks that got only six tv channels.  ive seen every episode since.  michael scott is an asshole.  he can also be referred to as childish, immature, incompetent and obviously has a whole host of psychological issues.  he rightfully has no friends and should not have had any relationships with women.  i understand it is a fictional tv show and that creative license was taken.  he is also the least likable character in the history of television.  michael scott is an asshole.  here are my top 5 reasons why:
1. phyllis's wedding episode
2. pam's mother's birthday episode
3. willy wonka episode
4. frame toby episode
5. every christmas episode
todays recommendation:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

stop protecting the idiots

and punishing the rest of us.  many things piss me off.  one of the biggies is stupidity, which is obvious to anyone who has been reading billshit.  i needed to buy some 'canned air' spray recently to clean out this keyboard.  i first checked my local grocery store since i am there often and dont like shopping anyway.  no luck.  then i was near a staples, way overpriced so i passed.  next stop was a target.  i used to like target but for many reasons dont anymore.  now i have another reason.  they fucking had to scan my drivers license before they would sell me the the air.  now in situations like this i would normally curse at the store employee and leave without giving in.  but i was already having an issue just buying the stuff and quite frankly was caught off guard.  there are so many problems with this policy, and i dont want to fill a whole page on this stupid topic so i will just focus on one issue.  scanning my license does not even come close to preventing the huffing.  it is so easy to steal from target, if someone wanted the air they would just steal it.  also, if the label on the air stating "contains a blistering agent to help discourage inhalant abuse" doesnt stop someone from huffing it, a license scan surely wont.  and what if i dont drive but want to keep my computer clean?  or am a 14 year old neat freak?  enough already.  play a game with yourself at home and think of the many other items that can cause harm or death at target that dont require a license scan.  how many did you come up with?
todays recommendation:
not me

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

license to be an asshole

i have a long running hatred of bicyclists.  let me be a little more specific.  i live near a really, really long bike path.  actually its a collection of connecting bike paths that total over 100 miles.  plenty of miles for safe cycling.  and these miles of paths cost us the taxpayers millions of dollars.  so my hatred of bicyclists are for the ones who choose to still ride in the road as opposed to riding on the paths.  a lot of the miles of paths run parallel to, and a few feet from, the road or very near to the road.   these assholes still ride in the road.  many, many local newspaper articles and the reader comments that follow them have dealt with this problem locally.  usually after one of these road riding assholes gets killed, which happens a few times a year.  most recently a month or so ago.  i have vented and ranted in those forums and im too lazy to again now. 
but this guy is sort of funny:
todays recommendation:

Monday, January 24, 2011

hyper hyundai

hyundai is set to release a hybrid version of their incredible new sonata.  americas #1 hypermiler ( got hyundai to loan him one to see if he could drive from coast to coast on less than 2 tanks of gas.  for those of you who dont want to read all 30 pages, he made it with about 2 1/2 gallons of gas to spare.  lets all raise our pointer finger to hyundai and our middle finger to the middle east oil producers.
todays recommendation:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

shitstorms a comin'

ive mentioned before my degree is not in economics, but i am a triple 9'er.  and no that does not refer to unemployment benefits.  i have always thought that the rise in oil prices, and not fannie, freddie, or any of that other foolishness, was the main reason behind the recent economic collapse.  while the mortgage mess impacted a small percentage of us the rise is gas prices affected all of us.  predictions of $3.75 for a gallon of gas in the next few months and $5.00 next year should have everyone concerned.  if that happens we are screwed. 
i used to like john mccain as a politician.  this was long before he turned into grandpa simpson.  i remember watching a campaign q&a in 2000.  the question had to do with the then rising price of oil, which is laughable compared to todays price.  his response was something like, "i would remind the kuwaits that we saved their ass from saddam and they need to pay us back by getting the oil supply increased."  its time to say the same thing to iraq now and get the output ball rolling.  if the middle eastern oil producing nations allow prices to continue to rise two truths will be confirmed.  if they wont help a brother out then surely president obama is not a muslim.  and the republican partys tie to the oil industry is tighter than the most cynical among us could have ever thought.
todays recommendation:
one solution tomorrow

Saturday, January 22, 2011


was squirrel appreciation day.  i hope you all celebrated accordingly.  i guess i should have given a heads up on thursday, but honestly i didnt even know squirrel appreciation day existed until yesterday afternoon. 
todays recommendation: