Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Repealing the Republicans Always Tell the Truth Health Care Law Act"

last wednesday it immediately became clear to me that i could easily do every post on the batshit crazy stuff the new republican house of representatives has been doing.  i started to make a list of examples but it got too long.  anyway, doing that every day would bore me.  so im just going to focus on the batshitiest and youre going to have to visit some of the billshit likes to fill in the rest.
to continue a theme from yesterday, and really the whole point of billshit, and posts from 11/8/2010, 12/1/2010 and 12/21/2010, that believing without thinking is very dangerous.  take for example what the house republicans are calling their first piece of legislation, "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act", seriously.  it was to be voted on and passed today before the events of this past saturday.  when it is voted on in the house nothing will happen with it because the senate will not bother with it and obviously the president will not repeal his own legislation.  but i digress.  the bill could have easily been called any of the following:
"Repealing the Obama is a Kenyan Health Care Law Act"
"Repealing the Barack the Muslim Health Care Law Act"
"Repealing the Tax Cuts for Millionaires are Good for All of Us Health Care Law Act"
"Repealing the Tax Cuts Dont Add to the Deficit Health Care Law Act"
"Repealing the We are on Our Way to Socialism Health Care Law Act"
"Repealing the Republicans are Looking Out For Your Best Interests Health Care Law Act"
any of those alternate titles would have been as true as the actual one.  while perpetuating lies the republicans are actually ignoring truths.  like how the non partisan CBO just said repealing the health care law would increase the federal deficit by about $230 billion over the next decade and leave 32 million more americans uninsured.
todays recommendation:
and so many many more