Sunday, January 23, 2011

shitstorms a comin'

ive mentioned before my degree is not in economics, but i am a triple 9'er.  and no that does not refer to unemployment benefits.  i have always thought that the rise in oil prices, and not fannie, freddie, or any of that other foolishness, was the main reason behind the recent economic collapse.  while the mortgage mess impacted a small percentage of us the rise is gas prices affected all of us.  predictions of $3.75 for a gallon of gas in the next few months and $5.00 next year should have everyone concerned.  if that happens we are screwed. 
i used to like john mccain as a politician.  this was long before he turned into grandpa simpson.  i remember watching a campaign q&a in 2000.  the question had to do with the then rising price of oil, which is laughable compared to todays price.  his response was something like, "i would remind the kuwaits that we saved their ass from saddam and they need to pay us back by getting the oil supply increased."  its time to say the same thing to iraq now and get the output ball rolling.  if the middle eastern oil producing nations allow prices to continue to rise two truths will be confirmed.  if they wont help a brother out then surely president obama is not a muslim.  and the republican partys tie to the oil industry is tighter than the most cynical among us could have ever thought.
todays recommendation:
one solution tomorrow