Wednesday, January 26, 2011

stop protecting the idiots

and punishing the rest of us.  many things piss me off.  one of the biggies is stupidity, which is obvious to anyone who has been reading billshit.  i needed to buy some 'canned air' spray recently to clean out this keyboard.  i first checked my local grocery store since i am there often and dont like shopping anyway.  no luck.  then i was near a staples, way overpriced so i passed.  next stop was a target.  i used to like target but for many reasons dont anymore.  now i have another reason.  they fucking had to scan my drivers license before they would sell me the the air.  now in situations like this i would normally curse at the store employee and leave without giving in.  but i was already having an issue just buying the stuff and quite frankly was caught off guard.  there are so many problems with this policy, and i dont want to fill a whole page on this stupid topic so i will just focus on one issue.  scanning my license does not even come close to preventing the huffing.  it is so easy to steal from target, if someone wanted the air they would just steal it.  also, if the label on the air stating "contains a blistering agent to help discourage inhalant abuse" doesnt stop someone from huffing it, a license scan surely wont.  and what if i dont drive but want to keep my computer clean?  or am a 14 year old neat freak?  enough already.  play a game with yourself at home and think of the many other items that can cause harm or death at target that dont require a license scan.  how many did you come up with?
todays recommendation:
not me