Thursday, January 13, 2011


defensive much are we?  usually its the guilty who scream the loudest that they are not.  i see it on "cops" everyday, "THESE ARENT MY PANTS".  the words from the right this week have been disappointing to say the least.  someone should really tell sarah that sometimes the less said the better.  like an 8 second 'im sorry if i used bad examples' instead of an 8 minute 'what about me'.

none of this changes the facts.  this is coming from someone solidly in the middle.  someone who wanted to vote for john mccain for president in 2000 and who did vote for barack obama in 2008.  i am getting pushed, unwillingly, to the left by the right.  it is not (mostly) because of the policies of the right, it is because of their tone, temperament and tactics.  the tone of those on the right who shout the loudest.  the temperament and tactics of the republican party leaders.  many people can ignore the ugly tone, lousy temperament and questionable tactics and continue to vote republican, i cannot.

so to those on the right playing the victim this week, i thought this was obvious but i guess has to be said, no one is discounting any of the valid policy arguments you want to make from a right wing point of view.  but what everyone with a sense of decency is pleading, make those arguments with the words of an educated man and not the words of a madman.


todays recommendation: