i have a long running hatred of bicyclists. let me be a little more specific. i live near a really, really long bike path. actually its a collection of connecting bike paths that total over 100 miles. plenty of miles for safe cycling. and these miles of paths cost us the taxpayers millions of dollars. so my hatred of bicyclists are for the ones who choose to still ride in the road as opposed to riding on the paths. a lot of the miles of paths run parallel to, and a few feet from, the road or very near to the road. these assholes still ride in the road. many, many local newspaper articles and the reader comments that follow them have dealt with this problem locally. usually after one of these road riding assholes gets killed, which happens a few times a year. most recently a month or so ago. i have vented and ranted in those forums and im too lazy to again now.
but this guy is sort of funny:
todays recommendation: