i started the week (and billshit) pointing out that if republicans won on tuesday that less would get done in the next two years than got done in the last two years. im ending the week with the proof of that. i remember this past march when i first watched 'todays recommendation'. i said to a friend that here is the only commercial the democrats need to run to win in november. obviously they didnt. every commercial i did see featured nancy pelosi in some sort of unflattering way. this video is the perfect summation of the republican response to every bit of progress the democrats wanted to make. in 2008 the people spoke and the dems held the house, senate and presidency. but the republicans thought they were still in charge. they ignored the wishes of the people and did their best to ensure no real change occurred. well now john of orange has power again, lets see what happens.
todays recommendation:
its been a tough week for progress, but maybe we still can.