what do these three things have in common? a few things probably, but i am just going to focus on one. if you ignore it, then it will go away. just because a few old, white people with nothing else to do stand on a street corner holding signs showing president obama with a hitler mustache doesnt mean we have to pay attention to them. just because some middle aged white woman, who actually is dumber than one of my dogs, knows how to use twitter doesnt mean you have to treat what she posts like it is important. just because some sick fuck gets amazon to sell his book doesnt mean you have to report it.
the media has responsibilities. part of that is to know when not to report something. if no one mentioned the pedophilia book the whole thing would have just stayed way under the radar where it belongs. instead (as of this posting) on google news there are 1454 news articles. and the book has actually been purchased in far greater numbers then if the whole thing was just ignored. kinda the reverse effect of what everyone probably wanted.
and to amazon, just because someone writes a book doesnt mean you have to sell it. if you dont sell it, its not censorship, its just a choice you made. you dont sell everything (yet) so the items you choose not to sell arent being censored. dont think you are more important than you are.
todays recommendation: