Friday, November 19, 2010

two million questions

"WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives on Thursday voted down a measure that would have reauthorized extended unemployment insurance for another three months, leaving no clear path forward to prevent the benefits from lapsing as scheduled on Nov. 30.  Without a reauthorization, the Labor Department estimates that two million long-term unemployed will prematurely stop receiving benefits before the end of the year. "

i would like to know how those two million people voted is this past election.  did they vote for democrats?  or did they vote republican?  or worse yet, did they not bother to vote?  they are unemployed after all, they had plenty of time to vote.  unfortunately we will never know.  one thing i do know though, elections have consequences.
todays recommendation:
im going to miss him.  he is a total freakin nutjob sometimes but has his priorities in the right place.