Tuesday, November 23, 2010

private parts

there are some things the government should take care of i think.  one of those, and there is probably universal agreement on this, is to protect us from a foreign enemy.  all the shit people have to put up with at the airport is to protect us from a foreign enemy.  therefore the government, the tsa, should take care of that.  unless you think money is more important.  the republicans (mostly) now want private companies to take care of airport security.  i will try not to be too cynical, but the only possible reason for this is so their friends and contributors can make money.  im sure you heard there are 'contractors' in iraq and afganistan.  those 'contractors' are just hired guns working for private companies making money from the wars.   there is no reason for private companies to be in the business of protecting us.  there should not be profit in protecting us from a foreign enemy.

todays recommendation:
