Tuesday, November 2, 2010

pro life???

election day.  i am not voting anymore, for a few reasons.  one of which is 2008 was the first time in my 24 years of voting for president that my guy won.  so i decided to quit while i was ahead.  i am no more democrat than republican.  i want more legal guns and drugs.  im fine with 'killing babies' and killing criminals.  build the danged fence, make english the official language, but let the illegals that are here stay.  if i were to vote again though i would never vote republican for one reason.  science.  the majority of the republican party anymore doesnt believe in science.  the last president set progress back eight years by stopping the use of stem cells for medical research.  until a stem cell comes to my door to sell me girl scout cookies i dont consider it a person.  what i do consider to be people are all the ones suffering, and dying, from diseases that could and should be cured by now.   heck, even the poster boy of republican presidents suffered from a horrible disease that should have a cure.  but thats not enough for them to change their minds.  whats more important to you right-wingers, passing a deficit to your kids or passing to them what should be by now a treatable disease?  maybe if there had been democratic presidents for 20 of the last 30 years instead of republican (pro life???) ones some of these diseases would have cures.  and then maybe people you know and love would still be alive.

todays recommendation: